Sunday, May 24, 2009

Enjoying the Silence

I have been here for about 4 days. I have already met some very interesting people. The employees are an extremely eclectic group of individuals. They all have the unique personalities and quirks. This sort of thing happens I guess when you bring a group of people together that are transient people or seasonal workers. They may work at the Ski Resorts during the winter and then come down to work in the National Parks during the summer. I wish I could live like that, on the road, living out off of what I can fit in my car. It's seems so amazing to have that kind of freedom. Honestly, though I feel like I would miss the community that you can experience when you live in the same place for a while. I already miss Durham a lot and really miss Emmaus Way. There are a few other people here that I know are Christians and a few that I think might be on the edge, but are really just searching for anything. I have really enjoyed my time here.

Yesterday, I went hiking on Peekaboo Loop. This trail was about 5 miles long, dove 1500 feet into the canyon and then we had to climb back out at the end. It was pretty brutal at times. It drizzled rain most of the day yesterday which turns red clay in to a weird sticky mud. My boots had an average of about 1-2 inches of mud on them at all times which made hiking intersting considering my feet felt like the weighed about 10 lbs more than usual. I went with 3 other people. Victor, who is from Thailand, Rebecca, who is from Montana, and Kelsey, who by my surprise is from Charlotte, NC and goes to UNC @ Chapel Hill. I was slightly amazed when I found that out and we had an instant connection because of the fact that we basically live in the same town. It's so amazing that I can drive 40 hours across the country only to find someone who drove the same 40 hours only a week before me. I really enjoyed the hike. There weren't many tourists out hiking because of the rain so it really gave us some time to be alone. The only thing we heard most of the time was the squich and squelch of our muddy boots.

Friday night after work, I decided to go on a walk by myself to read, journal, and mainly just get away from everything for a few minutes. I wandered upon a trail called queens garden. For one of the few moments in my life I experienced true silence. It was in this silence that I was really able to clear my mind and begin to hear God. While I sit up on a hill in the canyon in dead silence listening to God, I just imagined all the hustle and bustle going on elsewhere in the world. It's amazing to me that I can just sit and listen to beautiful silence in the shade of the canyon, while other people are running around with always something else to do, fighting through traffic, fighting with their spouse, fighting with their church. I feel like there is always something to do no matter where we are in life. There is always another appointment to get to, another paper to turn in, another person to keep in touch with. Why don't we take more time for ourselves? Why do we get so caught up in this world that we forget to take time to simply sit in silence with God? I am the first to admit that I am terrible at this, it is a lot easier for me to sit in front of a computer or tv and find something to take up my time. One of my goals when I get back to Durham is going to be take time every day or so, simply to get away and rest in silence. I would encourage anyone, no matter where you are or what you are doing to take advantage of any time that God provides for you to find silence. It is in the silence that we can truly hear God and truly understand what it is that God wants for our life.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Finally Made It...and started working

Well, I made it!!! It only took me about 40 hours of driving over 5 days. It was a great trip and I am very grateful for family and friends that helped me along the way. Thank you Susan, Robert, John, and Debbie for opening your homes to me and for cooking 2 great dinners for me.

If you ever have the chance to drive from Denver, CO to Southern Utah, I would highly recommend it. It is the most beautiful part of the country in my opinion. Starting in the Rockies, I was able to drive across the continental divide which is breathtaking (literally, it was hard to breathe) and then after crossing the mountains drove through the canyons and mountains of Utah and Colorado. It was so amazing how the landscape would completely change about every 30 miles or so. Every area was so completely different and I have never been so amazed by the beauty of what God can do in my whole life. I will have pictures posted on facebook if you are interested. I only took about 570 pictures in two days of driving. I took a lot of them while I was driving (not very safe) so some of them didn't turn out, but you will be able to see the change in landscape in those albums.

Driving 2500 miles takes forever and I really enjoyed the drive and even though it sounds terrible I would do it again all over...and will in about 3 months. I could not ask for a better way to start my summer. I finished my audio book, "The Davinci Code" by the time I got to Denver so I was able to really enjoy the beauty of Colorado and Utah without distraction.

I arrived here in Bryce around 1:45 pm yesterday and immediately went to fill out paper work and then meet my manager. I was a little worried about this part because I will be working with this person all summer long and I could be really good or really bad. His name is Ken and is a great guy and one of the nicest people I have ever met. He knew that I was from A Christian Ministry in the National Parks and immediately opened up with the fact that he knew who I was and....was REALLY EXCITED FOR ME TO BE HERE!!! He said that there was no one here last year from the ministry and he was left to try and lead the bible studies himself, which is not his gift according to him. He said that he really missed have someone here last year and was excited to see what God has in store us and will do everything and anything he can. This was incredibly calming and just shows God's providence in our lives. Out of all the managers that I could have been working with, I ended up working with the one who loves our ministry and will come to everything with us and help lead the ministry. He said that he could probably name the 5 other people that will come to our services and bible studies, but is excited to get things started and see what kind of impact we can have.

I also received some other great news on Monday while driving through Kansas. While at a rest area with wireless internet (crazy, I know), I checked my email and received an email from another member of our ministry team who had been added on late, but was already here in the park. She is actually going to be our team leader, she graduated from Boston University with a Masters of Divinity a year ago. She is going to be a hostess in the dining room and is somewhere in her 60's maybe. I am really thankful to have one more person on our team and especially her because from what I can tell most of the staff that are going to be interested in our ministry are a little bit older and she may help us learn to relate more effectively.

God just keeps opening my eyes to more and more ways that he is working and has been working here in Bryce before I even arrived. I have been fairly stressed out about this summer, but have begun to realize that God has been in control of this situation way before I even thought about coming here.

I know this is long, but I'm almost finished. Today was my first day at work. I am working at the General Store, which mainly provides services for visitors camping in the park and those hiking, since it is very close to the main trail head. We sell everything from grocery items to beer to post cards and camping equipment. This job is going to be very low stress and I am very excited because I have been in a high stress job for about a year and will be going to grad school in the fall and this will be a nice break.

The only thing I ask is that you pray for me and the employees I am working along side. I feel like I have a target on me already since I am with the ministry and my manager made sure to tell everyone about me before I actually met them. This is a good thing though and when I met one of the guys, within the first 5 seconds he asked me about Duke and then about ministry. He then told me that he had a friend once that had gone to seminary and they had talked a little about God, but not much. He said that he has made a lot of dumb choices in life, has been to AA, and has never really found his higher calling, but really wants to talk to me about it and hear my thoughts. Crazy! I just met this guy. I know this post is random and I don't know when my internet will work again so I figure I would just get it all out as quickly as possible before I forgot everything.

Thanks for all the support and prayer

Friday, May 15, 2009

The beginning of a journey

Well, I am leaving tomorrow morning at 5 am sharp, hopefully. I really have to though, so I have been told, because I am going to a worship service tomorrow night in Nashville w/ Nancy that she neglected to tell me about. It should be interesting because she called to tell me about and warned me that it will be fairly charismatic, so that should be fun. Then our plans are to go and see a late night viewing of Angels and Demons. I think tomorrow is going to be the longest day of my life.

I can't wait to get on the road. It is going to be a long journey and I am still pretty nervous about being in Bryce Canyon, but I have never driven across country and am excited to see everything. My goal is to document as much as possible with pictures and journal as well so that I won't forget anything.

Tomorrow will be the hardest drive because I am going all the way to Nashville which is about 12 hours from Lakeland. I am staying with Nancy, who I grew up next door to and is basically my sister (not kidding). I haven't seen her in forever and can't wait to spend some time with her. After that I will be off to Kansas City, MO to stay the night with my dad's sister and that will be about a 9 hour drive. The my last stop before Bryce will be in Denver to stay with some of my dad's cousins. It is really nice that I have nice comfortbale places to stay and will hopefully get free dinners as well. If anyone has any advice of cools things to see along that route please let me know. I plan on taking my time going through the Rockies because I have always wanted to drive through them and can't wait.

I really need to go to bed now because tomorrow morning is going to come early. Please keep me and my truck in my prayers. Thanks Mom and Dad for helping me out with new shocks and belts and helping me get all packed up to go. Thanks for all the prayers and please just also pray that the employees and visitors in the park will have open hearts to the ministry that we are bringing (whatever that turns out to be).

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Getting Ready

So I have never done this before, but a few people asked me to set something up so they can keep track of me this summer.

For those who don't know, this summer I will be working in Bryce Canyon National Park. I am partnering with a ministry called, "A Christian Ministry in the National Parks," while also working a full-time job in the park to support myself financially (visit for more info). In the park I will be working a retail job at the gift shop, making very little money, but will have housing and food provided for me at a minimal cost, along with the opportunity to live in a National Park for the summer. Bryce Canyon is a small park, but has many opportunities for hiking and sightseeing, and is also fairly close to 3 other national parks. It is also at 8000 feet, so I hope that it won't take too long for me to adjust to the alititude. I can't wait to get out there, but will have quite an adventure to get there.

Due to the nature of the ministry, I feel very obligated to have a car while I am there. I will be leaving Lakeland, FL on May 15th or 16th to drive from here to Bryce Canyon, Utah. It is going to be the longest drive of my life, but at least I have three free places to stay and will get to visit with friends in family (my stops include: Nashville, Kansas City, and Denver). Right now I am still at home in Lakeland relaxing and soaking up the beach, fishing, and comfort of home while I still can. If anyone still wants to ride with me and then fly home, feel free to email me.

A little info about the ministry: Our main job in the park is to serve as leaders of interdenominatial Christian services every weekend for visitors camping and staying in the park. My ministry partner Dan and I will be taking turns speaking ( I don't like the word "preaching) every week and will both take part in leading worship musically (which makes me nervous). This is the formal part of the ministry and while I am excited about this, I am much more intrugued by the informal side of minsitry in the park.

We will be living with other employees, most of whom are non-Christians. These people will be our peers and friends while living there. It is simply our privilege to get to know them and be in community with them all summer long. I am looking forward to setting up game nights, barbeques, and hikes with other people living and working in the park with us. I am much more excited about this aspect of the ministry than the formal simply because I feel that transformation in peoples lives comes through God working through the relationships that we build with people rather the preaching that we can deliver on a Sunday morning. I hope and pray that these friendships, whether they see us a Christian's or just friends who love hanging out and going hiking togther, will be friends, will be an impact on my life as much as it is on theirs.

Please pray for me as I travel over the next weekend and go into a place I have never been where I don't know anyone. And for those of you who know me well, know that this scares the crap out of me.

Sorry this post is so long, but figured I would start out this whole blogging thing with a bang. More to come as I drive cross country and begin this adventure that God is allowing me to pursue.

btw, I got into Duke Divinity School!!!